Today I Learned

A Zero One initiative

Browse papertrail changes without object_changes

If you are using PaperTrail to track changes to your data, but are not storing individual changesets, you can still see what changed from version to version using the snippet below:

def hash_diff(from, to)
  .delete_if { |k, v| to[k] == v }
  .merge!(to.dup.delete_if { |k, v| from.key?(k) })

def present_diff(from_diff, to_diff)
  [].tap do |arr|
    arr << "FROM: #{from_diff}"   if from_diff.present?
    arr << "TO:   #{to_diff}\n\n" if to_diff.present?

def list_papertrail_changes_for(obj)
  obj.versions.each_with_index.flat_map do |ver, idx|
    next if ver.object.nil?

    this_ver     = YAML.load(ver.object)
    next_version = obj.versions[idx + 1] || ver
    next_ver     = YAML.load(next_version.object)

    from_diff = hash_diff(this_ver, next_ver)
    to_diff   = hash_diff(next_ver, this_ver)

    present_diff(from_diff, to_diff)

puts list_papertrail_changes_for(thing)

FROM: {"ip_address"=>"", "updated_at"=>"2021-04-06T07:32:26.432Z"}
TO:   {"ip_address"=>"", "updated_at"=>"2021-04-06T08:14:03.506Z"}

FROM: {"ip_address"=>"", "updated_at"=>"2021-04-06T08:14:03.506Z"}
TO:   {"ip_address"=>"", "updated_at"=>"2021-04-09T13:47:07.485Z"}
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