Strict loading with Rails
Rails implements a feature called strict loading. This feature can help catch potential N+1 queries.
Did you know there are a couple of ways to enable strict loading?
1. Per Record
Rails let’s you enable strict loading on specific records at runtime:
post = Post.first
post.strict_loading! # Enable strict loading
post.strict_loading? # Check if strict loading is enabled on this object
# => true
2. Per model
Rails let’s you enable strict loading on all models of a specific type:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
self.strict_loading_by_default = true
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
post = Post.first
# => true
3. Enable per association basis
Rails let’s you define strict loading for specific (or pesky) relations on a model:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy, strict_loading: true
has_many :likes, dependent: :destroy, strict_loading: false
4. Application wide
Rails also let’s you enable strict loading all across the board when you’re brave enough for the nuclear option:
# config/environments/development.rb
Rails.application.configure do
# ...
config.active_record.strict_loading_by_default = true
# ...
Now that you know your options, you can enable it based on your appetite/distaste for N+1 queries!