Quickly find your largest docker images
Here’s a handy command to stuff into a shell alias somewhere:
docker images --format '{{.Size}} {{.Repository}} {{.Tag}} {{.ID}}' | sort --human-numeric-sort | column -t
The --format
param on the docker command takes a Go template string that will print the size, name, tag and id of your images.
It then gets piped to the sort command with a switch for that understands the difference between MB and GB, and is finally then piped to a handy utility that attempts to format input as a table. Example output:
104MB redis latest ef47f3b6dc11
109MB nginx 1.15 881bd08c0b08
110MB hashicorp/terraform 0.14.4 18e46faca2ff
113MB certbot/certbot latest 4bdc1514009b
118MB k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy v1.19.3 cdef7632a242
119MB k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver v1.19.3 a301be0cd44b
132MB nginx 1.19.1 0901fa9da894
133MB nginx 1.19.5 bc9a0695f571
133MB nginx latest ae2feff98a0c
147MB ruby 2.6.6-slim-buster ab543f69a598
183MB phusion/baseimage 0.11 14e6c478b00a
205MB ruby 2.3-slim-stretch 6c82e230dca6
222MB kubernetesui/dashboard v2.0.0 8b32422733b3
222MB ruby 2.3-slim-jessie 4804bf5dd1e3
240MB osixia/phpldapadmin latest afce031a5c02
253MB k8s.gcr.io/etcd 3.4.13-0 0369cf4303ff
265MB postgres 9.6.1 4023a747a01a
313MB postgres 12 b97bae343e06
314MB postgres latest f51c55ac75ed
372MB mysql 5.7 ee7cbd482336
544MB mysql latest 0d64f46acfd1
692MB jboss/keycloak 12.0.3 eb71e4d34b56
858MB jboss/keycloak 4.5.0.Final 7874d3a082ee